6 Mei 2022

if you wrote a book about your dad, what would the last line of the book be?

kuhela napas perlahan seraya melangkahkan kakiku seolah tertarik menghampiri sosok yang selama ini diam-diam aku kagumi itu. tepat di belakangnya kini aku berdiri, melihat punggung yang tak setegak dulu, pun rambut yang tak lagi hitam. kulingkarkan kedua tanganku ke pinggangnya. tak sanggup menahan bendungan air di kelopak, kuberanikan diri untuk mengatakan hal yang selama ini terpendam bahkan terkubur seiring waktu berjalan.
Maafin aku ya, Yah. Aku sayang ayah

me @theirangeleyes

if you wrote a book about your dad, what would the last line of the book be?

There's nothing else to say except thank you. Thank you for being the man who taught me about the world. thank you for being the most hard work man who already tried to balance your work life and family. Thank you for everything. I guess i'll see you when I see you

lochnesse @wtrnessie

if you wrote a book about your dad, what would the last line of the book be?

When I die later, I will testify in the afterlife that you have accomplished your task wonderfully - Ardhy @ardhy_meylana

It's hard growing up without you - @dwarfchinx

I'm sorry if I didn't hug you enough, I'm sorry if I don't tell you that I love you - pink @pinkcheese_

if you wrote a book about your dad, what would the last line of the book be?

"at the end of the day, I realize that living here without you is like a nightmare. I wish I don't have to lose you. In another life, I'll pray to God for a second chance to be your daughter, and be with you a little longer than before. I miss you always, Rest In Peace. Dad"

Ai. @hiiekun