23 Apr 2011

motto, or what should we call it ?

don't you think that i am a quote-addict ?
yes i am.

i don't know when this habit come and infect me, but i do so much in love with sweet and memorable quotes. films, lyrics, somebody's, lecturers, books, anywhere, i'll memorize it and then write it in my phone, transfer it to my notebook, and re-read it again someday.
oh how i love that 

the best quote i ever heard, and will keep it alive forever is:

everything happens for the best reason,
and Allah knows what suit you best !

you know that statement maybe hard to understand in our real life. i know it so well. but every time i got into trouble, or i choose a wrong way (i think) i recall this statement and i know Allah stands with me, wherever i am. kalo bahasa kerennya Innallaha ma'ana. hehe

life is in Allah's hands, and Allah knows best.
keep faith. keep strong. keep alive.
* with so much love *